Jopari Executive V.P. and Chief Compliance Officer Sherry Wilson to Lead the 2023 WEDI Summer Forum August 1st-2nd
CONCORD, Calif. , June 29, 2023 – Join Jopari Executive Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer Sherry Wilson for the 2023 WEDI Summer Forum August 1st-2nd as they spotlight innovators and implementers and their early adoption of prior authorization and attachment tools and applications.
Jopari EVP Sherry Wilson Named to The Cooperative Exchange, National Clearinghouse Association 2020 Board of Directors
Washington DC (January 16, 2020) – The Cooperative Exchange, The National Clearinghouse Association which represents over 90 percent of the Health Care Clearinghouse Industry, supporting over...
Jopari Publishes eBill 5 Year Progress Report
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