Date: March 11, 2020
To: Jopari Customers
From: John Gilmartin, Chief Operating Officer
As you know the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have declared the new virus COVID-19 a pandemic event. We are actively monitoring the situation and its potential impact to our operations. Jopari Solutions is committed and prepared to address the evolving risk posed by COVID-19.
Jopari’s Business Continuity Plan, which outlines how we will maintain service in various emergency scenarios, including pandemic events, is audited annually by an independent third party auditor to verify plan testing and validate the appropriate business continuity controls are in place to mitigate any potential business disruptions as evidenced in our annual SOC2 Type ll Reports.
We have a dedicated crisis leadership team responsible for a pandemic plan implementation that includes executive leadership and representatives from each functional area within our organization. Our Business Continuity Plan includes (1) assessment of the risk level of any vendors or other business partners that our operations are dependent on and (2) confirmation from such vendors and business partners that they have a robust business continuity plan (BCP) in place and are able to deploy as needed.
Throughout our planning and preparedness activities, our actions are aligned to the level of threat, the level of impact and the potential need for escalation. To date none of Jopari’s operations have been impacted. Further, we have not been notified that any of our employees or those of our vendors have been directly affected by the COVID-19 situation.
We fully recognize that the threat posed by COVID-19 may cause concern among your staff and their families. We also recognize the potential for mental and physical strain, given the impact of deploying your own BCP plan and dealing with any increased absences within your organization.
Jopari is committed to the continuity of all of our services and we are confident that our plan will allow us to support during this period of time.
Please advise us, if you have any changes in your normal client communication channels, customer changes and or updates regarding new contact information.
If you should have any additional questions regarding our Pandemic Plan and or need of additional support, please contact me at 925-459-5284 or Jopari Customer Care at 1-800-630-3060 or support@jopari.com .
Best regards,
John Gilmartin
Chief Operating Officer
(o) 925-459-5284
(m) 801-791-2403